Sunday, July 28, 2013

Nicole's 5 Favorite Books

I absolutely LOVE to read but I have a serious flaw:  I completely lose myself in the book and ignore the 'read world'.  Since I have the typical real world commitments (work/family/friends), trying to devour a book often makes me feel more stressed and pressed for time than an enjoyable hobby should.  There have been quite a few occasions when I have allowed myself to get lost in a book but there are always consequences:  namely a laundry pile taller than me and realizing at 8pm that I forget to make everyone dinner.  Snow days and long holiday weekends are what I long for: then you will find me in my favorite chair with a timer set to alert me to the next meal time.  It's the only way my family has agreed to allow me near a book.

Whenever someone recommends a 'GREAT BOOK!' to you, its important to find out more about their taste in books.  (Ain't nobody got time for a bad book!)  So, without further ado (& so Jeff will quit nagging), here is a list of my favorite books.  One disclaimer, these are in no particular order....that would be like asking me to pick a favorite child.

1.  Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand   Finishing this book was what I imagine running a marathon feels like.  Some parts were exhilarating and felt effortless while other sections drug on and on and felt like torture.  The characters in Atlas Shrugged were not always likeable but you understood their motivations and rationale.  Although this book was published in 1957, it easily speaks to economic and social events/trends that are happening now.   I found this work thought provoking, unsettling and haunting.  I would really love to read it again but I'm not quite sure I would survive.  Just like a marathon.

2.  The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman  This is the book I recommend to every friend that gets engaged.  I cannot imagine my marriage without it.  'Love' is a different concept/idea/feeling to everyone and until you know the love language of you and your partner, there is a good chance you (and your partner) will always feel like something is missing. 

3.  The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck  Once I finished reading this book, I was unable to shake it for weeks.  The story follows the Joad family in their soul crushing journey from Oklahoma to California.  The hardships they encounter are numerous and devastating but somehow, they always manage to keep going.  Because of this book, I am forever haunted by the word 'skitters'.

4.  The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins  The absolute worst part about seeing the movie was hearing how much everyone loved it.  The movie was absolutely horrid compared to the book.  The first book is not a literary masterpiece but it is a graphic, fast paced novel that makes it excruciating to put down.  The 2nd and 3rd books definitely diminish in greatness but its still important to finish to get the whole story.

5.  In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan  "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."  These words and this book have made a profound impact on my life, health and how I view food and 'food like substances'.  Michael Pollan's common sense and plain talk are infectious and motivating.  For a quick overview of his philosophy, check out his quick manual Food Rules or watch Food Inc.

I would love to hear about your favorite books too!  Then, I might just ask you for a recommendation.

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